Stainerfone Low Bb
E♭Contrabass Saxophone
- Handmade
- Narrow bore concept
- Range from low B♭ to high F#
- Written Range: B♭3-F#6
- Sounding: D♭1-A3
- Ergonomic keywork
- 0.71mm brass body and bell
- Lacquered & beautifully engraved
- Plastic resin J'Elle Stainer mouthpiece
- Brass ligature and cap
- Playable with baritone or bass mouthpiece
- Pisoni Pro pads
- Metal resonators
- Adjustable peg and fixed floor rest
- SaxRax stand (optional)
- Special J'Elle Stainer flight case
- Final setup in USA or Italy
- Made in Brazil
Part number: JCSB
A new design for the world's best souding narrow bore contrabass saxophone.